Sunday, January 31, 2010


I saw Jennifer's Body for the first time today. It was a bit uneven, but enjoyable. Megan Fox can have me for lunch any day. Yum!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Disgruntled Designer

Sazmagic has been working too much overtime. He is one angry elf.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Purple Zane

It's good to see Billy Zane (a fellow Greek) back on TV in his series 'The Deep End'. And while the Phantom movie from '96 isn't the greatest super-hero adaptation, I like the look and feel of it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Triple X

Hey, little fellas!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Satan's Little Satyr

Monday was so nice out that I sat in Astoria Park with my sketchbook. This is what happened. I can't explain it.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Read My Lips

I drew this way back when I working on the Shrek books... but the message is timeless.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Workin' Hard for the Money!

This is what my soul looks like... and it's only Wednesday.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dear 2010...

I'm going to kick your ass if you get in my way. Thanks.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lookin' Sharp

I saw the Tim Burton exhibit today at the MoMA and it was amazing. It prompted me to post my own doodles inspired by the man's work as well as other things I love. Enjoy!

Edward & Selina

The awkward, angst-ridden artist woos the mentally fractured whip-wielding vixen and they live tragically ever after... -Sigh-

Minions of Gozer

One of the greatest couples in cinema history: Vinz Clortho, the Keymaster & Zuul, the Gatekeeper.

The Rocketeer

One of my favorite heroes and the star of a very underrated movie.

Indiana Jones

Another one of my favorite heroes. This sketch is based on his adventures in The Temple of Doom.

Spartan Royalty: King Leonidas & Queen Gorgo

Inspired by Miller & Snyder's version of the historical heroes as seen in the graphic novel/motion picture 300. Two words: Bad. Ass.

Spider-Man: Evil Comes in Pairs

The 1st in a series of chapter books published by HarperCollins. My creative cohort Joe Merkel and I designed the cover & interior layouts for these books but more awesome was drawing the interior art. Joe's pics are in the above title featuring our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man in a symbiote smackdown!

Spider-Man: The Secret Life of Black Cat

The 2nd book in the series, and the first to feature me as the illustrator. Pretty exciting, so check it out!

Spider-Man: The Secret Life of Black Cat page sample

Spider-Man: The Lizard's Legacy

This was the 3rd and final book in the series. The second book to feature me as an illustrator. It was pretty damn fun while it lasted. Buy your copy now!

Spider-Man: The Lizard's Legacy page sample

One of the interior pages for the above title.

Spider-Man Sample Sketch

One of the many sketches I went through before submitting a final piece to Marvel. This was so they could approve me as an artist for the chapter book series by HarperCollins.

Black Cat & Spidey

A little doodle I did on the train whilst still in 'Spidey-Mode'.